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Assisted Living Network's Podcast

Feb 18, 2019

The number one reason to have a business plan is for you, so that you have clarity of vision of who you are, what you're doing and where you're going. The second reason for a business plan is to help raise capital. No private investor or a lender is going to give you the money you need without a business plan. You need...

Feb 4, 2019

You can turn your home into senior housing anywhere from independent living up to Assisted Living. Independent living is senior safe. I mean grab bars, smoke detectors, wider doors, trip hazards removed. That home itself maybe has four bedrooms. There's four different people living there. Now if you have a home right...

Jan 28, 2019

As our family ages they start to need more. Their independence is gone and they don’t want to admit that they may not be capable emotionally or physically. So I think a lot of times we just assume that we should take care of our own mom, our own dad.


The reality may be we just aren't designed for that or have the...

Jan 22, 2019

A long time ago Assisted Living meant a big institution. Today it is completely different. When you think about living at an Assisted Living home, it has all of the comforts of home and there's other people in that home. It's a group of 8, 10, to 12 seniors in a home with peers their own age, living in that home...

Jan 14, 2019

Offline Marketing is having brochure, flyers and business cards. The brochures should match your website and your online presence. You only get one chance to make a first impression.


One of your biggest and probably the most important way to market your business is referrals. Referral marketing is the best way to get...